Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
The CES is a show that lasts for about a week and it is a chance to show off the latest product. This takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada every January. The event is sponsored by Consumer Electronics Association (CEA). The event is used to attracted high profiled people such as Bill Gates and is a opportunity to show off new products.A product shown at the latest CES is Project Natal for the Xbox 360. It is code name for a controller-free gaming and entertainment experience. Natal means "relating to birth", meaning the new generation of home entertainment.
Using software, sensors and cameras, it will allow the users to use their body as the gaming controller. It will target the non hardcore gamers that was orignally meant for the xbox 360. Though they will still keep the controller for the gamers to play their games happily.
The range will likely being in the price of $99 compared to the $50 price for the normal controllers.The HP/Microsoft Slate was also annouced at CES. It is a PC based platform in the size of a kindle reader. It is more powerful than a phone and alsmot as strong as a regular PC. They are calling it the slate to differ it from the pen to screen lag that usually occurs in products that has a touch screen.
It will be a natural interface for users that does not requrie the mouse and keyboard like most computers do.
Apple is also rumored to come out with their own i-version of the slate.
Some interesting tweets by Mr. Vogel
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